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Governor General

Joe is of average height about 5'11' with broad shoulders, he has some age on his face and grey in his beard now. He is devotefuly faithful to the Avatar. Originally born in Cove, Joe’s parents moved to Yew when he was still a toddler. His parents had hopes of building a farm and living a fruitful, peaceful life. That was of course before the lush meadows became swamps and Mondain released his legions in the area. In his youth Joe watched his parents struggle with trying to keep arid farm fields to constant attacks by criminals and monsters alike. This set in motion Joe’s ambition to join the Yew Militia. After many years of serving Yew, Joe, some of his fellow guardsmen and townfolk were requested by the King to restore order and peace in the Altmere area. They built and manned Fort Blackwell in Blackwell.



Connor was born and raised in the City of Britain. His family have always served in Royal Armies. He is a tall, stocky man as would be expected of a life-long soldier. He has short messily kept brown hair and a brown and gingery beard. After proving his worth as a soldier in Britain, Connor was promoted to Corporal where he lead a small squad of men to the north of the Capital. Connor was responsible for defence of Britain's northern edge for over 6 years. 
An opportunity arose for Connor to be promoted to Captain, it did however mean moving to unknown land; Blackwell, a lawless  town stuck between Cove and Yew. Joining up with General Fern they set about creating a small outpost near the sea.

Roster: Roster
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